The Egyptian Human Rights Forum (EHRF) is an independent Egyptian human rights organisation founded in March 2018. EHRF aims to promote the implementation and dissemination of international human rights law in Egypt, advocate for a human rights-based approach to democracy and the rule of law and mainstream human rights in public policy. EHRF seeks to achieve this mission through dialogue, networking, policy research, advocacy, raising public awareness, capacity building and the integration of young activists in the work of the human rights movement. EHRF prioritises dialogue with political, civil, and human rights actors both inside Egypt and in the diaspora. Through dialogue, the Forum aims to achieve a broad consensus on a series of measures and alternatives rooted in shared human rights values. The common ground will serve as a launching pad for constitutional and legal reforms in Egypt. The work of EHRF focuses on addressing the legacy of human rights abuses, constitutional, legal, and institutional reforms, equality and inclusive citizenship rights and advocating for an enabling and securing environment for human rights defenders. EHRF has brought together a number of human rights defenders from various professional and academic fields, serving as members in their personal capacities, and they are bound together by their belief in the universality and indivisibility of human rights. EHRF is an integral part of the Egyptian human rights movement inside and outside the country. The Forum seeks to coordinate with independent Arab and international human rights organisations to reinforce the international protection of these rights. EHRF is a member of the EuroMed Rights.