The Egyptian Human Rights Forum (EHRF) A group of Egyptian human rights defenders have declared the establishment of the Egyptian Human Rights Forum (EHRF) in March 2019 as an independent NGO.
Members of EHRF are bound together by an indivisible belief in the universal values of human rights and a shared vision of a political system in Egypt that is founded on the tenants of democracy and representative citizenship.
The Egyptian Human Rights Forum (EHRF) has brought together a number of human rights defenders from various professional and academic fields, serving in their personal capacities.
These human rights defenders are currently residing in Europe and the United States because they have been forced out of Egypt; The political persecution, security threats, and even death threats made it impossible for them to pursue their legitimate civil and human rights activism within the severely restrictive authoritarian environment. The Egyptian Human Rights Forum (EHRF) is an integral part of the Egyptian human rights movement inside and outside the country.
The Forum seeks to coordinate with independent Arab and international human rights organizations in order to reinforce the international protection of these rights.
EHRF prioritizes dialogue with political, civil and human rights actors inside of Egypt and in the diaspora. Through dialogue, the Forum intends to achieve a broad consensus on a series of measures and alternatives rooted in shared human rights values.
The common ground will serve as a launching pad for political reforms in Egypt..
An executive committee (EC) is in charge of facilitating the coordination of the work of the Forum and of supervising its activities. Members of the Forum will elect an executive committee periodically.